Monday 14 March 2011


Firstly, I will apologise for writing about out company, as normally I don’t do that, I just write articles about things connected with business, things that might be useful for any sort of business, not just for network marketing.

Well, last week we had a fantastic webinar from our company.  We had been waiting for some news for about two weeks but due to legal reasons the information could not be released – but when it was, oh boy!!!!  Did we get a huge surprise. 

Our CEO, Mike Butler is a very softly spoken gentleman normally, but even he was excited about the announcement he was about to make.  He started the company as a tribute to his brother, who passed away over ten years ago, leaving no provision for his family.  Mike wanted to create something that would benefit people in many ways and enable them to leave provisions for their family when they pass.  Over the past ten years, he has looked at many business plans and models, and eventually created ReferLife.  When it was first created, he just had a basic plan of earning money, but didn’t have a product to put through the system.  In 2010, whilst on holiday, he came across a naturopathic health aid, originally in the form of a disc, but which he transformed into a simple band to wear around the wrist or ankle. 

This band had been changing lives since he released them onto the market due to it helping to relieve all difference kinds of pains.  Personally, I've had no pains from my fibromyalgia problems since I started wearing mine.  A colleague of mine had problems in her head over ten years ago and has suffered with head pains ever since due to the nerve endings trying to re-join together.  They have been much worse than normal headaches or migraines at times as well, but yet again, since wearing her wristband, these pains have stopped.  There are many more stories like these, some of which are given in a conference call that we recorded and added to YouTube ( – obviously with it being a conference call, there is no video/pictures, just the information given on the call from several people.

Mike’s vision was to change people’s lives in many ways, and this is exactly what he is doing.  Firstly because we buy a health band when we sign up, it is changing the health of people, getting rid of pains can be a huge boost to their morale too, we are also sleeping better when the pains have gone.  A life free from pain changes your whole outlook on your life and everything.  Secondly, the business is creating wealth for the people who work in it, maybe it is starting slowly, maybe it will work fast, but in the longer term, it will be earning people a decent living on a regular basis. 

Thirdly and probably best of all, through donating about 10% of the company income, ReferLife is changing the lives of children throughout the world, and as more people come on board in the primary business, then more money will be donated to this charity.  In the first week of business, nearly $2000 was raised.  The amount of money is rising and donations are being put to good use.  Some of the projects we will be helping with are community projects such as schools and fresh water for areas that need them.

With all these fantastic things already going for the business, Mike then announced on the webinar that he has been able to adjust the business entry fee and it now cost NOTHING TO JOIN OUR BUSINESS!!  It’s now FREE TO JOIN – what can be better than that.  From there you are able to have use of the video emailing system as well as access to several income streams, a video of a seminar given by the world renowned Jack Zufelt (author of The DNA to Success) and many more things.  If you want to join for free and lock your place in this payment system, just click on the link below and it will take you to our website.

Heather Reid
Working towards helping ordinary people live extra ordinary lives

Tuesday 8 March 2011

No, it's not illegal!!!

No, it’s not illegal!!!

There some things that you just cannot let go off ……  and I had one happen to me over the weekend. As most of you know and many of you on here are network marketers, multi level marketers, home based business people.  So that's that it is in the open.  I am not trying to hide anything from anybody.  Let's get back to my weekend burn.

I was speaking to a couple of people that had requested information about my company and the lady says to me "That's illegal isn't it?"

I said ‘No it is not illegal, you do it every day’.

She said (quite indignantly)  ‘Oh no I don't, that would be immoral and unethical’.  

I said ‘Ma'am are you kidding me. Of course you do it every day AND we all do it we just don't get paid for it. You tell people about the good meal at a restaurant, good deals at the grocery store, good deals at Asda/Walmart, Tesco, Home Depot, Dillards, Publix, beauty shop, barber shop and I could go on and on. Any time you tell someone else about a product, a place or a service you have just performed NETWORK MARKETING, but did you get PAID to do so - most likely not.  Can you not use more money? I know that the most people aren’t doing well in the financial stakes at the moment.  Now think about this ….. I don't do AMWAY, I know people who do but you have to respect the COMPANY – they started out in the 1950's under major ridicule.  They persevered and today they are a GLOBAL Company.  Another global networking company is AVON Cosmetics which I am sure you have all heard of – they are the number one cosmetics company in the world.

I am getting off the soap box but before I go I want to say this:

Folks if someone approaches you about a home business – that is a compliment …… because the professionals do not approach everyone.

Just listen to their program you may like it …… because we just agreed that we all can use more $$$$$.  But can always say NO if you are inclined to but remember this is called NETWORKING which you already do for free, so why not get paid to do it.

Thursday 17 February 2011


(Thanks to a message sent to me by Chuck Fry via Facebook – I’ve copied this as I thought it was an excellent article, thanks Chuck)

You’re not alone, many of us sit in front of a blank screen wondering what to write. At times we just seem to be at a loss for good content. You might know what you want to write about but you still can’t get started because you don’t:

-        think you have enough to write about
-        believe you are enough of an expert to write about the topic
-        have enough extra facts to make the article interesting
-        think you have the ability.

……. or maybe you are just stuck and scared!

When they first begin writing content for the web, most people get stuck and/or scared. Face it, what you write and post is going to be accessible to everyone on the internet. Don’t let that bother you. Expert online writer, David Meerman Scott says, “It’s OK to be a dork online.”

Yes, David says that everyone is a dork at some time or other. So, don’t worry about it! Just start writing.

Ways To Get Content For Your Website:

You don’t have to write 100% of your article yourself. You only have to add some of your own words. A lot of what is out there on the internet already is recycled and rehashed material. Its just been presented from thousands of viewpoints. The author has taken articles that have already been written and added something of value to the MLM community and republished it. With that in mind, here are a few ways to get content for your blog or social media:

You could write your own stuff. Capitalize on those moments when you are inspired to write something. Maybe you just learned a great tip or procedure from your weekly teleconference call or industry guru. If you are learning a new advertising or sponsoring skill, write about that. If it is something about network marketing that can help someone else, it is a valid topic to write about.

Comment on another person’s stuff. If you have read something someone else has written on the industry, write about it. You can paraphrase what you have read and write your own content along with it. Just make sure to give credit for other people’s stuff and follow guidelines from the site you get your material from.

Write a report on an e-Book or another report you’ve read. If you have an e-Book or report you’ve read that is good, write a blog post about it. Maybe you’ve seen a great YouTube video posted by another network marketer on talking to prospects. Write a report about it. Write a pros and cons report presenting the good and bad things mentioned in the material. Pull something out of a book like ‘The Slight Edge’ by Jeff Olsen and write about that.

Interview an MLM heavy hitter. Write down the questions you would most like to know the answer to and put them to your favourite MLM winner. You don’t have to rely on just people in your company or system. Achievers from other companies and systems are usually happy to provide information. You can write to them. Explain what you are doing and present them with your questions. You will be surprised at the number of them who will write you back with the information you requested. Again, always give credit for anything you use of another person’s.

Put a list in your article. If you have a list in your article or blog post you increase your chance of it being read. Lists are easy to read. Write top 10 lists, for example, top MLM resources; top MLM books and top MLM companies.

Republish e-zine articles. You can republish articles on Just remember, you have to copy and paste the whole article, including any links. You can add a paragraph before the article to introduce it and a paragraph after the article to summarize.

Well, I hope this helps you to get started. I think you will be pleasantly surprise what you can do with writing if you just concentrate on it and follow a few guidelines. Good luck! I hope to be reading your articles real soon.

Heather Reid
Working to improve other people's lives in several ways
+44  114 273 9863

Monday 31 January 2011


I was fortunate to have been in the company of several professional networkers a few months ago and I learned several very valuable lessons to improve your business.  One of the main ones I learned about was that whatever you do - DO IT DAILY.  That doesn't mean 4 days a week. It means EVERY SINGLE DAY, seven days a week.

Let’s look at this in a real time situation.  You maybe work as an employee for part of your day or have home / personal commitments. That's ok, no-one can be expected to give up paid work in the hope of earning $100k in their first month of a home business.  What you need to do is set aside a number of hours when you are going to work for yourself - and COMMIT to them.  You may only be able to spare 2 to 3 hours each day, or it maybe that you only have 45 mins on some days but can spare 4 hours on others.  Whatever you decide, work on those times.  Work to a weekly schedule if you want, varying the number of hours each day, but try and average at least 15-20 hours to work for yourself, anything less will make it harder for you as it will take longer for you to become successful. 

Once you begin doing this week after week after week after week, you will start to see improvements in your business.  It might only be small ones to begin with, but the more you do it the more experienced you will become and the percentage of successes to the time you spend working will grow.

Heather Reid
Working to improve other people's lives
+44  114 273 9863

Saturday 15 January 2011



How do you do anything?  Do you make plans?  You may think you don't plan much, but in reality, you plan everything you do each day.  Do you have a job, do you do voluntary work? Your day will start by you planning on what time you get up, what to wear (especially if you don't have a uniform or 'work' clothes), how you get to where you are going - even what you will be doing for eating during the day (and if you happen to be on a strict diet you will definitely be planning your food regime).  What about your vacation?  They don't just happen, they all take planning, some more than others.

Take about an hour or so at the beginning of your week. Write down all the things you know you will be doing, eg working for your boss, other commitments, training meeting, working for yourself - recruiting, product demonstration or doing whatever improves your business, etc

Your can use a standard diary to work out your schedule, but if it doesn't have the right time segments for you, create a simple sheet marked out by days and time blocks that will suit you.

Once you have made your weekly planner, put it in a prominent place as a reminder of your plan for the week.  If you have days where you need to do several different things, you may feel a daily planner would be better for those odd days. Remember though, if you do daily planners for every day this will take up much more of your time instead of doing your work.  The time you spend on this planning exercise should not be included in the time you are working on your business and should only be done in 'spare' time - and time needs to be set aside each week to do this planning exercise.

Some years ago, I was involved in a youth group leader’s training session and as part of this we were given an exercise using toy building bricks (I'm sure you know the ones I mean). Each group had a pile of bricks and told we had to build a replica of the model in the next room. Just one group member could go to that room at a time then return to tell the other members how to make the model. At the time, we had no idea of the reason behind the exercise, but it turned out that  each group were timed on how long the planning stage was before their model was begun and how long it took for the model to be built. The group who finished their model first had in fact been last to start building it as they had spent about 75% of their time planning how to build it first. The group who finished last were the ones who had started to build as soon as their first member returned from seeing the model - no planning at all. This was done many years ago but the idea and its reasons still stay with me.

Remember - if you fail to plan - you plan to fail.

Heather Reid
Working to improve other people's lives