Monday, 31 January 2011


I was fortunate to have been in the company of several professional networkers a few months ago and I learned several very valuable lessons to improve your business.  One of the main ones I learned about was that whatever you do - DO IT DAILY.  That doesn't mean 4 days a week. It means EVERY SINGLE DAY, seven days a week.

Let’s look at this in a real time situation.  You maybe work as an employee for part of your day or have home / personal commitments. That's ok, no-one can be expected to give up paid work in the hope of earning $100k in their first month of a home business.  What you need to do is set aside a number of hours when you are going to work for yourself - and COMMIT to them.  You may only be able to spare 2 to 3 hours each day, or it maybe that you only have 45 mins on some days but can spare 4 hours on others.  Whatever you decide, work on those times.  Work to a weekly schedule if you want, varying the number of hours each day, but try and average at least 15-20 hours to work for yourself, anything less will make it harder for you as it will take longer for you to become successful. 

Once you begin doing this week after week after week after week, you will start to see improvements in your business.  It might only be small ones to begin with, but the more you do it the more experienced you will become and the percentage of successes to the time you spend working will grow.

Heather Reid
Working to improve other people's lives
+44  114 273 9863

Saturday, 15 January 2011



How do you do anything?  Do you make plans?  You may think you don't plan much, but in reality, you plan everything you do each day.  Do you have a job, do you do voluntary work? Your day will start by you planning on what time you get up, what to wear (especially if you don't have a uniform or 'work' clothes), how you get to where you are going - even what you will be doing for eating during the day (and if you happen to be on a strict diet you will definitely be planning your food regime).  What about your vacation?  They don't just happen, they all take planning, some more than others.

Take about an hour or so at the beginning of your week. Write down all the things you know you will be doing, eg working for your boss, other commitments, training meeting, working for yourself - recruiting, product demonstration or doing whatever improves your business, etc

Your can use a standard diary to work out your schedule, but if it doesn't have the right time segments for you, create a simple sheet marked out by days and time blocks that will suit you.

Once you have made your weekly planner, put it in a prominent place as a reminder of your plan for the week.  If you have days where you need to do several different things, you may feel a daily planner would be better for those odd days. Remember though, if you do daily planners for every day this will take up much more of your time instead of doing your work.  The time you spend on this planning exercise should not be included in the time you are working on your business and should only be done in 'spare' time - and time needs to be set aside each week to do this planning exercise.

Some years ago, I was involved in a youth group leader’s training session and as part of this we were given an exercise using toy building bricks (I'm sure you know the ones I mean). Each group had a pile of bricks and told we had to build a replica of the model in the next room. Just one group member could go to that room at a time then return to tell the other members how to make the model. At the time, we had no idea of the reason behind the exercise, but it turned out that  each group were timed on how long the planning stage was before their model was begun and how long it took for the model to be built. The group who finished their model first had in fact been last to start building it as they had spent about 75% of their time planning how to build it first. The group who finished last were the ones who had started to build as soon as their first member returned from seeing the model - no planning at all. This was done many years ago but the idea and its reasons still stay with me.

Remember - if you fail to plan - you plan to fail.

Heather Reid
Working to improve other people's lives

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

What is Network Marketing

What is Network Marketing?

We've all heard of the phrase Network Marketing - and many of you will have been told by family and friends that they are 'in' Network Marketing, and I'm guessing most of you will have been asked to join any number of the companies that work solely this way.  The biggest majority of people when asked to join XYZ  Network Marketing company turn the offer down and most of them turn it down for one of two reasons. Firstly they have no idea what it is - so are scared to say yes and secondly due to financial challenges at that time - which will not last forever. Their circumstances may have changed six weeks or six months further on, so always have a chat and say you will call back in a couple of months (and write it in your diary!!)

Let's go back to the beginning - what is Network Marketing?

For many years I have been fortunate to have attended many training seminars by Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter and much of the information I write about has been gained from these seminars. He always teaches people in a very simple way (KISS - keep it stupid simple). Network Marketing can be described in three very easy words RECOMMEND AND PROMOTE - simple. Sometimes an extra word can be added - RECOMMEND, PROMOTE AND DEMONSTRATE - but that will depend on whether or not you have a product that you can demonstrate.

I'll take these three main words one at a time starting with RECOMMEND.  How many times have you recommended a product from your local store? Or maybe someone needed a plumber or electrician and you were able to tell them of someone you knew, maybe that had done some work for you - so you RECOMMENDED the plumber, electrician or possibly told someone about a restaurant or a product. If you go to a fantastic restaurant, what's the first thing you do .... tell your friends, family and neighbours. Get the idea? It may also happen that you have a really bad experience at a restaurant or store - so you still tell your friends, family and neighbours ... But you RECOMMEND them not to go! It is still a recommendation - good or bad, what you need to do organise is how to give a good recommendation for your business.

You may find it easy to RECOMMEND one of your products by DEMONSTRATING to them how it works for example, if you have video email as one of your products, do a short personal email to them, in which you can RECOMMEND this simple way of communicating with their customers. If you have a physical products like a health band show them how it works, DEMONSTRATE how it can help them - or how vitamins and health supplements work (maybe give a short testimonial for them).

Lastly PROMOTE and this doesn't just mean that you are to promote your business, although that is part of promotion.  How about PROMOTING EVENTS? Do you have a special event coming up, maybe a guest speaker at your next training day, maybe you have a regular date for a demonstration of your product/s. Another PROMOTION could be bigger event, such as a way of earning something. For instance, we currently have a personal promotion to earn a place on the Lifestyle Cruise in November 2011.  All events like this needs PROMOTING - if you don't, how are people going to hear about them.

If you want to know how we can give you a free seven day Caribbean cruise in a balcony cabin in November 2011, get in touch asap the promotion runs 3 Jan through to June so the quicker you find out, the simpler it will be to qualify.

Heather Reid
Working to improve other people's lives

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Welcome to my Blog

Hello and welcome to my new blog page. Over the coming weeks I will be posting several articles which I hope might be useful to you and your business.

My Background

For many years my husband Bob and myself have been in and around the network marketing profession.  I say 'in and around' as sometimes we have actively worked with companies, but sometimes just stayed with companies to have the best products without working a bad commission plan.  We stayed with one company for around twenty years, for the first year or so trying to work the plans (yes, they changed it several times) and eventually decided that with all the changes, nothing was working, so just bought products from them.  Over the years, we have looked at many companies, some we've joined, most rejected for a variety of reasons.  One thing we have found though is that nearly all network marketing companies produce superior products to those found in retail outlets.

I am now beginning to look seriously at working better on the internet and working with two companies.  Our main income is from a networking company but we also earn another stream of income from a company who train people on working on the internet, showing you how to link various pages together eg linking Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc via one page, so I can post once and it posts in all my social pages.  While posting in this blog, I will also be updating you on which programmes I've linked to and posting my profile links if you wish to follow me on any of these programmes.

I hope you will enjoy reading the information I will be posting in future.

Heather Reid
Working to improve other people's lives